To inform the creation of the school calendars for the 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 academic years, we solicited feedback on which of the following factors are important to parents/guardians and staff:

  • Minimize the number of weeks that have fewer than five student learning days.
  • Roughly balance the number of student days in each quarter and semester.
  • Place grading days adjacent to weekends.
  • End the school year in the first half of June.
  • Preserve a fall break during the week of Thanksgiving.
  • Ensure winter break includes two full weeks (e.g., starts and ends on a Monday rather than mid-week).
  • Place staff development workdays near weekends or other non-student days.
  • Align with local university calendars.
  • Align with nearby school district calendars.

The results of the survey are on the right.