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Update in January 2023:

Families who had students with chronic attendance issues responded to a survey in the fall. Results are available under Survey Results in the bottom right side of this webpage. Two themes emerged for the parent surveys: 1) My student has not been attending because of frequent illness, and 2) my student has not been attending because of mental health issues.

To engage in an attendance campaign at this moment in time, specifically during the winter season when we know that we see more illnesses in schools, would be tone deaf. We don’t want to send mixed messages to parents/guardians who are trying to do the right thing and not send their sick children to school. Instead, we’re going to hit pause and reconsider launching an attendance campaign at the beginning of the next school year.

Original project:

When it comes to attendance, every day matters. Students need to regularly attend school to not only make progress on learning targets but also to feel connected to their school community and develop a deep sense of belonging. Unfortunately, we've seen a dramatic increase in absenteeism this school year. Compared to other area districts, BSD is seeing higher than average absences.

This is a snapshot of the percentage of students (by grade) who have missed 10% or more of school, starting in September through the end of October. We've also compared those numbers to the same period in past years. The most useful comparison is between 2019-2020 (pre-pandemic) and today.

* Data does not include Flex Online School, Early College High School, charter schools or students who withdrew during the quarter.

To support our students, we need a better understanding of the barriers that they're facing in regards to regularly attending school.

Parents/guardians, please fill out the quick SURVEY below if your child is chronically (2 or more days per month) missing school. Students, please fill out the quick SURVEY below if you or your friends are chronically (2 or more days per month) missing school. Also please feel free to share your story with us under the STORIES tab below.

Again, our goal is to better understand the issue so that we can work together toward a solution.

Update in January 2023:

Families who had students with chronic attendance issues responded to a survey in the fall. Results are available under Survey Results in the bottom right side of this webpage. Two themes emerged for the parent surveys: 1) My student has not been attending because of frequent illness, and 2) my student has not been attending because of mental health issues.

To engage in an attendance campaign at this moment in time, specifically during the winter season when we know that we see more illnesses in schools, would be tone deaf. We don’t want to send mixed messages to parents/guardians who are trying to do the right thing and not send their sick children to school. Instead, we’re going to hit pause and reconsider launching an attendance campaign at the beginning of the next school year.

Original project:

When it comes to attendance, every day matters. Students need to regularly attend school to not only make progress on learning targets but also to feel connected to their school community and develop a deep sense of belonging. Unfortunately, we've seen a dramatic increase in absenteeism this school year. Compared to other area districts, BSD is seeing higher than average absences.

This is a snapshot of the percentage of students (by grade) who have missed 10% or more of school, starting in September through the end of October. We've also compared those numbers to the same period in past years. The most useful comparison is between 2019-2020 (pre-pandemic) and today.

* Data does not include Flex Online School, Early College High School, charter schools or students who withdrew during the quarter.

To support our students, we need a better understanding of the barriers that they're facing in regards to regularly attending school.

Parents/guardians, please fill out the quick SURVEY below if your child is chronically (2 or more days per month) missing school. Students, please fill out the quick SURVEY below if you or your friends are chronically (2 or more days per month) missing school. Also please feel free to share your story with us under the STORIES tab below.

Again, our goal is to better understand the issue so that we can work together toward a solution.

Why are you or your friends missing school?

We'd like to have a better understanding of why so many students are missing school. Please tell us about the barriers that you or your friends are facing. What could help encourage students to regularly attend?

Thank you for sharing your story with us.

You need to be signed in to share your story.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

  • Share Bring Back Masks & use CR Boxes to reduce absences on Facebook Share Bring Back Masks & use CR Boxes to reduce absences on Twitter Share Bring Back Masks & use CR Boxes to reduce absences on Linkedin Email Bring Back Masks & use CR Boxes to reduce absences link

    Bring Back Masks & use CR Boxes to reduce absences

    by ArcoIrisMama, over 1 year ago

    There have been a LOT of children out sick in my child's class. Teachers too. Enough teachers out that they haven't always been able to find subs. My kid didn't have any English Language Arts. Her Math/Spanish teacher was gone today and different teachers did parts of the day.

    Doctors at OHSU announced that this year was the worst pediatric health crisis in 30 years. They said people should wear masks to prevent spread of respiratory viruses. The governor declared a state of emergency. Meanwhile the New England Journal of Medicine published a study in Boston metro showing that... Continue reading

  • Share My kindergartener is always sick on Facebook Share My kindergartener is always sick on Twitter Share My kindergartener is always sick on Linkedin Email My kindergartener is always sick link

    My kindergartener is always sick

    by Lesley.worsham, over 1 year ago

    My son (kindergarten) has been sick no less than 5-6 times since school started. These viruses tend to last at least a week with fevers. Most recently he picked up the flu and missed the week before Christmas break, and as of this writing, he still has a fever (it’s been over 3 weeks). These viruses are brutal. We try to have him mask at school, but he doesn’t really understand and never has the mask on by the end of the day.

    I really wish there was something that could be done to help protect these kids. I would... Continue reading

  • Share Mitigation on Facebook Share Mitigation on Twitter Share Mitigation on Linkedin Email Mitigation link


    by AtoZ, over 1 year ago
    If the schools/district did more to help mitigate spread of viruses in school, our child would not be out sick as often. The lack of discussion around use of masks, increasing ventilation, pausing on things like school-wide assemblies, etc. when multiple viruses are spreading wildly in the community and children's hospitals are operating in crisis care mode is contributing to the number of our students and educators who are getting sick.
  • Share Illnesses on Facebook Share Illnesses on Twitter Share Illnesses on Linkedin Email Illnesses link


    by LJ9482, over 1 year ago
    There have been a lot of viruses going around that the children haven't been exposed to much for the last couple years so we have been fighting one illness after another. We are being overly cautious to not send our kids to school if they are showing any respiratory symptoms- cough, runny nose, etc.- even though it might be just a cold.
  • Share Sometimes there is such a time crunch on Facebook Share Sometimes there is such a time crunch on Twitter Share Sometimes there is such a time crunch on Linkedin Email Sometimes there is such a time crunch link

    Sometimes there is such a time crunch

    by 502850, almost 2 years ago
    When I was in the process of moving houses, we did not know where my new bus stop was so one of my parents had to drive me to school. My dad has trouble getting up sometimes, and I was too busy to wake him up so he would wake up around 6:45 am.

    Where I go to school, the late bell rings at 7:30 so we have to leave at 6:45 to get there in time. We would always be late, and I would have to wait in this long line just to get a tardy slip.

    I realized... Continue reading
  • Share Middle schoolers are scary and mean. on Facebook Share Middle schoolers are scary and mean. on Twitter Share Middle schoolers are scary and mean. on Linkedin Email Middle schoolers are scary and mean. link

    Middle schoolers are scary and mean.

    by Phoenix_2029, almost 2 years ago

    This is a story from my friend who recently moved away from Beaverton who isn't allowed to make an account.

    "I just started the sixth grade and it's a big change. I don't do very well with change.

    I got accepted into Rachel Carson Middle School of Environmental Science (or 'RC' for short). Here's some information on it:

    Here's the thing, RC is located inside another school called Cedar Park Middle School. There's nothing wrong with Cedar Park but a lot of the 7th and 8th graders there like to make fun of me and several other kids in... Continue reading

  • Share Eliminate the unenrollment policy on Facebook Share Eliminate the unenrollment policy on Twitter Share Eliminate the unenrollment policy on Linkedin Email Eliminate the unenrollment policy link

    Eliminate the unenrollment policy

    by YellowLab, almost 2 years ago
    For students with long term illness that forces them to be away for treatment but still able to attend school, neither Oregon Charter Academy or Flex can service kids unless they attend a full schedule. However MEWA can and that’s provided through the Gresham School District.
  • Share Education comes first in our home on Facebook Share Education comes first in our home on Twitter Share Education comes first in our home on Linkedin Email Education comes first in our home link

    Education comes first in our home

    by HRB42, almost 2 years ago
    I have an 2nd grader who is autistic. She often will say she doesn’t want to go to school. If she’s sick we keep her home, but more often then not she just gets anxiety about all of the challenges she faces with her disability being in a world that’s not designed for her.

    We talk through what’s on her mind and are able to determine if she’s sick or if it’s something else.
    She has missed a couple days this school year but she has been clearly sick.

    We have a nightly routine and we are consistent with it... Continue reading
  • Share Still lots of illnesses going around.... on Facebook Share Still lots of illnesses going around.... on Twitter Share Still lots of illnesses going around.... on Linkedin Email Still lots of illnesses going around.... link

    Still lots of illnesses going around....

    by KAS, almost 2 years ago

    We interact with three different schools, and so we've had a significant amount of time out due to illness. We are much less likely to send the kids to school with symptoms now than we were before.

    Plus, it is extremely difficult to get doctor and dentist appointments outside of school time now so I have had to take them out for those too.

  • Share Classes too easy on Facebook Share Classes too easy on Twitter Share Classes too easy on Linkedin Email Classes too easy link

    Classes too easy

    by phxpdx, almost 2 years ago
    My middle-schooler doesn’t feel like it’s a big deal to miss school because “we’re not doing anything in class anyway” and it’s very easy to make up missed work. I think that if classes were more challenging and involved less Canvas assignments, students would feel more of a need to show up every day.
Page last updated: 14 Mar 2024, 02:02 PM