Update in January 2023:

Families who had students with chronic attendance issues responded to a survey in the fall. Results are available under Survey Results in the bottom right side of this webpage. Two themes emerged for the parent surveys: 1) My student has not been attending because of frequent illness, and 2) my student has not been attending because of mental health issues.

To engage in an attendance campaign at this moment in time, specifically during the winter season when we know that we see more illnesses in schools, would be tone deaf. We don’t want to send mixed messages to parents/guardians who are trying to do the right thing and not send their sick children to school. Instead, we’re going to hit pause and reconsider launching an attendance campaign at the beginning of the next school year.

Original project:

When it comes to attendance, every day matters. Students need to regularly attend school to not only make progress on learning targets but also to feel connected to their school community and develop a deep sense of belonging. Unfortunately, we've seen a dramatic increase in absenteeism this school year. Compared to other area districts, BSD is seeing higher than average absences.

This is a snapshot of the percentage of students (by grade) who have missed 10% or more of school, starting in September through the end of October. We've also compared those numbers to the same period in past years. The most useful comparison is between 2019-2020 (pre-pandemic) and today.

* Data does not include Flex Online School, Early College High School, charter schools or students who withdrew during the quarter.

To support our students, we need a better understanding of the barriers that they're facing in regards to regularly attending school.

Parents/guardians, please fill out the quick SURVEY below if your child is chronically (2 or more days per month) missing school. Students, please fill out the quick SURVEY below if you or your friends are chronically (2 or more days per month) missing school. Also please feel free to share your story with us under the STORIES tab below.

Again, our goal is to better understand the issue so that we can work together toward a solution.


Parent/Guardian Attendance Survey

To support our students, we need a better understanding of the barriers that they're facing in regards to regularly attending school. This survey will close on Friday, December 2 at 4 p.m..

The Survey has now concluded.

Student Attendance Survey

To support you, we need a better understanding of the barriers that you're facing in regards to regularly attending school. This survey will close on Friday, December 2 at 4 p.m.

The survey has now concluded.
